
I am an interdisciplinary scientist and have been head of the "Natural Resources Policy Group" since 2014. I am particularly concerned with the effects of political programmes and administrative processes on the use and protection of forests, cultivated land, water bodies, as well as uncultivated soil. I live in Oberwinterthur with my husband and two small children.
Research Assistant

My background is in environmental systems and policy. As a PhD student, I am contributing to the CLIMB-FOREST project, which aims to identify and support effective climate change mitigation and bioeconomy pathways for sustainable forest management in Europe. I am interested in policy design, the policy process of environmental policies and the influence of different stakeholders in the policy process. In my spare time, I enjoy swimming, spending time in nature, and with my friends.
Research Assistant

I have a background in environmental systems and policy. As a research associate, I work on the 3S project, which aims to improve the climate performance of the Swiss forest and wood system through targeted environmental policy instruments, and on the Main Wood project. My research interests include the sustainable use of wood, the interaction of policy frameworks with environmental systems and the transition processes towards sustainable bioeconomy systems.
Research Assistant

My background is in geographies of sustainability and political sciences. What I find particularly exiting is the interdisciplinarity of it, which allows to look at the same subject from diverse perspectives. Within the scope of the research project “TD for SD – Transdisciplinary Research for Sustainable Development” I investigate effects of transdisciplinary projects as well as factors which influence transdisciplinary collaboration.
Research Assistant
Research Assistant

With my background in environmental sciences, particularly in analysing environmental systems and policy, I am interested in the dynamic interrelationships of the human-environment system. Im Rahmen des Projekts Translational Centre Biodiversity Conservation (TCBC) bin ich für den Bereich Policy & Governance zuständig und befasse mich mit Fragen im Bereich der Politik, Entscheidungsfindung und Governance.